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Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Arsenic is one of the more harmful poisons to humans considering the variety of ways that they can be exposed to it. You can be exposed to through many different ways including:
-Skin contact
-Eye contact
Arsenic is most harmful when inhaled, or ingested. Inhaling or ingesting high levels of arsenic can result in death. Direct contact with arsenic, only a small amount will enter the body usually resulting in nothing more than warts and/or corns on the palms of the hands, the bottom of the feet, or the torso. Being exposed to a low level of arsenic can change the color of the skin slightly. Arsenic is much more harmful to children than adults, if a pregnant woman is exposed to arsenic the child may:
-be born with defects such as:
- low birth weight
- loss of hearing
- low IQ levels
- loss of eye sight
- Dye before or during birth
- Be more susceptible to skin cancer
There are many ways to prevent the arsenic poisoning from reaching a point that becomes lethal or cause serious damage. Flushing eyes with water is one way to prevent loss of vision.

-Find this article here.

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