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Friday, October 15, 2010

Article Summery: Calories & Alzheimers

Scientists have found that a restriction on your calorie intake may help reduce your risk of getting the alzheimers disease. Calories that produce the chemical sirtuin, which is one of the chemicals release in the brain of one with alzheimers disease. So, as the scientists state, reducing your calorie intake reduces your sirtuin intake, thus reducing your chances of catching alzheimers.

Ph post: Acids/Bases

Acids and bases are very similar yet very different. Controversial to what you might think acids have a lower Ph and bases have a higher Ph. For example, apple juice has a Ph level of 2.9, thus very acidic, while ammonia has a Ph level of 11.6, thus very basic. Mostly acids are things you eat, such as lemon, apples, oranges, many juices, with the exception of acid rain, which is something you dont want to eat. Bases are mostly cleaners and things similar to that. Hydroxide, which is released by bases, have a very delicate balance with hydronium. And hydrogen is released by acids. Since hydrogen is slightly less stable.